Top 10 Bach Guitar Shreds: 2014 Edition
Bachstock would not be complete without a list of the ten best Bach guitar shreds. The world's most prolific composer lives through the fingers of electric guitar aficionados. Nov 25, 2014
Five Bach Pieces That Sound Better on a Piano than a Harpsichord
Angela Hewitt, a pianist particularly distinguished for her Bach performances, shares her top five Bach pieces that sound best – yes, best! – on a modern grand. Nov 24, 2014
One Pianist, Two Keyboards: Christopher Taylor's Bach Variation
Christopher Taylor, a pianist known for his marathon piano projects, talks about performing Bach's Goldberg Variations on an unusual piano. Nov 20, 2014
The Worst Bach Album Covers...Ever
Some of the greatest composers and performers can suffer from the most questionable packaging. In honor of J.S. Bach, check out the Bachstock edition of truly bad cover art. Nov 15, 2014
As East Berliners Celebrated Freedom, Rostropovich Played Bach
Sunday marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. In recognition, our Albums of the Week include Rostropovich's Bach Suites, recorded in the aftermath. Nov 8, 2014
Three NYC Kids Give Bach a Big Thumbs Down. Fairly?
Educator's efforts to sell kids on the greatness of classical music may face a tougher hurdle than we realize. Nov 5, 2014
The Bachstock Generator of Puns
With this month's Bachstock festival, we're not only bringing sexy Bach, but also the Bach Pun Generator, which we'll update each week with your submissions. Nov 1, 2014
An All-Bach Playlist for the Marathon
We've put together a pepped-up playlist of Bach's most energizing music to help you make it through the New York City Marathon. Nov 1, 2014
Your Ultimate Guide to Bach Concerts in November
As we explore the music and career of Bach on-air and online this November, consult our one-stop guide to Bach-related concerts in a neighborhood near you. Nov 1, 2014
Top Five Bach-Inspired Pop Hits
From the Beatles to numerous one-hit-wonders, Bach's music has inspired many pop artists over the years. Here are the five that received the most notice. Oct 31, 2014