Together In Song
Produced by GBH. This show is no longer airing.
Autumn in the Air
The leaves turn, the days grow shorter, the harvest is in and nostalgic visions of Thanksgiving fill the heart — yes, fall is here. Host Anthony Trecek-King celebrates autumn with a f... Sep 29, 2013
Kings and Queens
This week Together in Song features choral music to celebrate royalty and lament the fall of empires with music from the Hapsburg, Holy Roman and British Empires. Sep 22, 2013
Singing to the Beat of a Different Strummer
On the next Together in Song, choral music that sings to the beat of a different strummer with accompaniment that is either picked, strummed, or plucked.
Sep 15, 2013 -
Sweet Sounds for the New Year
In the Jewish calendar, the High Holy Days are a time of introspection as well as celebration. A time to seek self-improvement and offer charity, forgiveness and community outreach.
Sep 8, 2013 -
The Chorus at the Opera
You’ll find all kinds of characters in the opera house: the Prima Donna diva, the heroic tenor, the menacing bad-guy bass. But, what about the peasants, prisoners, orphans, soldiers and slaves?
Sep 1, 2013 -
I Have a Dream
We mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s landmark speech on the Washington Mall, and hear his message – and even his words – put to music.
Aug 25, 2013 -
Dona Nobis Pacem
This week’s program is called "Dona Nobis Pacem" — "Give Us Peace" — and features music of remembrance, reflection and hope, that brings people together in the face of tragic events. Aug 18, 2013
Moving Pictures, Moving Music
This week, Together In Song takes a listen to how the big screen takes advantage of the big sing to create some of the most memorable moments at the movies. Aug 11, 2013
Let There be Light
Like great painters, great composers have been fascinated with the portrayal of light in their creations. But composers don't use brushes or paint pots; their palette is the human voi... Aug 4, 2013
Mother, Mary
Join host Anthony Trecek King in celebrating, contemplating and just plain appreciating the calming presence of mothers around the globe. Jul 28, 2013