Operavore Published by Operavore by Operavore Thoroughly Postmodern Cecilia An early Rossini disc. Music critic Manuela Hoelterhoff noted that Decca later digitally altered the "trollop-red gloves and rhinestone clumps dangling from her ears." La Bartoli c. 2000 The classic La dolce vita scene recreated for Opera proibita. (Ferdinando Scianna) A peek-a-boo prelate Dancing up a storm à la Malibran (Uli Webber) Ouch! That must hurt. (For 'Sacrificium.') (Uli Webber) Give ‘em the old razzle-dazzle (Also for 'Sacrificium'). (Uli Webber) She’s bubbly. Get it? (Cover art for 'Sospiri') Bartoli as High Priest in 'Mission.' of Post a Comment